Friday, April 30, 2004

reasons today was awesome

W Day.

We were inducted as Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae tonight, which, I'll admit, is somewhat bittersweet, but it means we had 3 great years as Gamma Phis here at Witt.

Friends . . . Ross and Rachel did not only kiss, but they made out. And since my love life is nonexistent at this point, I will live vicariously through fictional characters on TV.

Also Friends related? There was a preview that said the Friends finale is 2 hours long next Thursday. 2 HOURS!

We had a picnic in our backyard.

We found out Vanilla Ice is headlining Wittfest. So while we can't get stars of today, such as John Mayer or Guster (hello, Purdue) at least we can get a star from the 80s who had one hit. If he doesn't sing it I'll be sorely disappointed and will proceed directly to McMurray's to see American Cherry. Because I'm sure I'll get more out of that than from Vanilla Ice. Ahem.

And finally, today was awesome because of my FF. Heehee.