Friday, October 26, 2012


Apparently my bragging about writing all the words and being super productive pissed off The Universe because now I'm sick and it's making me want to do absolutely NOTHING including write stuff because using my brain is hard. I'm not like, SICK SICK, like I could stay home from work for three days, but sick like...I just don't feel right? And all I want to do is lie down wherever I am and take a nap. Although, I think I did have a fever at work yesterday. Joe and I exchanged emails that went something like this:

Joe: How are you feeling?
Me: I feel OK, I think, only I'm pretty sure I either had a fever earlier or I was having hot flashes.

What sucks is that while I was having fevered hot flashes, I was leading a new hire orientation which is a really good way to welcome new employees to the company. WELCOME TO OUR BEAUTIFUL FACILITY HERE HAVE SOME OF MY DISGUSTING SNOT GERMS.

I came home from work early yesterday and immediately took a nap, then Joe came home and I used that time to flop around, groaning dramatically about how I was siiiiiiiiiiiiick. I'm just a delight to be around when I don't feel good.

I asked Joe what I should blog about for today and his REALLY HELPFUL suggestion was: " awesome it is."

So here is my post about TV. And how awesome it is.

Current TV I'm watching!

The New Girl   Man, I cannot believe how much this show has grown on me. When it started, I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not but NOW I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Schmidt, obviously, is the greatest character to have ever existed. At least on FOX. (Except for Mulder and Scully.)

How I Met Your Mother   This show is like how Friends was, toward the end when you didn't even know if you WANTED Ross and Rachel to end up together because OMG YOU GUYS STOP BEING SO ANNOYING. Like, the show just wasn't as great as it once had been but I couldn't stop watching because of LOYALTY. I'll watch HIMYM no matter how bad it gets, but I hope this is the last season. (It is, right? Did I hear that? Ashley?)

Dexter   MAN. This show is so much better than it was last season. SO SO MUCH BETTER. We watch this one with some friends and it used to be I only looked forward to those nights because we got to hang out with fun people, but now I'm actually excited to see the show.

The Walking Dead   This one has also been a lot better this season than last season. I stopped reading the comics around the time period the show has stumbled into and I really hope the reason I stopped reading doesn't happen on the show. I won't say what it was BUT I HATED IT. Though I was already hating the characterization of the women in the comic, as well as the terrible dialogue, so I didn't really need much of a reason to stop reading. ANYWAY. The show? So much more exciting than it was last year.

The Office   We actually missed an episode this season, which would have been sacrilege a few seasons ago, but the episodes we've seen have been...OK. Maybe I should stop comparing it to what the show USED to be and enjoy it for what it is now, but it's really hard. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.

Parks & Rec  This show, man. It's like hugging a puppy. (ESPECIALLY LAST NIGHT'S EPISODE OMG OMG ALL THE WARM FUZZIES ARE BELONG TO US!)


Revenge  I almost forgot that I was still watching this. I think that says pretty much all you need to know about that. 

Community   :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Old TV I'm watching THANK YOU NETFLIX!

Doctor Who   I'm pretty much always watching this. An episode here, an episode there, though I'd really like to do a full rewatch. The other day I watched Doomsday just because I felt like crying. THAT IS NOT NORMAL.

Freaks & Geeks   I came home from work the other day, starting to not feel well, and put this on as comfort food.

Buffy   I just started season 6. SEASON 6 IS SO DEPRESSING.

ALIAS   We're rewatching all of this. I haven't seen it in years, probably since it went off the air, so I've forgotten most of it. It holds up surprisingly well, mostly because of Michael Vartan's beautiful, beautiful face. My favorite part about watching this has been seeing hints of future JJ Abrams shows to come.

What TV should I be watching that I'm not? I WANT TO WATCH ALL OF THE TV ALL OF THE TIME. 


  1. Are you watching Nashville? It is one part trashy, two parts Tami Taylor, and all parts awesome.

    1. No! But I keep meaning to. I hope they add it to Netflix Instant. It seems like a good show to mainline all at one time.

  2. Apt 23 is surprisingly good, and a good foil to New Girl I think.

    1. Ooh, I always forget that we watch that show! It is way better than it has any right to be. Did you watch the Dawson's Creek "reunion?"

    2. I watched two eps last season and then forgot to record the rest and then forget to record the beginning of this one but I finally remembered and now I have the most recent one to watch! Which is the reunion I think.

  3. YAY TV.

    New Girl -- I hated this at the beginning (HATE) but have been meaning to watch an ep or two this season just to see.

    HIMYM -- I don't think the end has been announced yet. I'm still surprised how often it makes me laugh out loud still.

    Dexter -- How is Sarah Walker on it???


    1. Sarah Walker is good! But hasn't really done much so far. I keep hoping she'll fight someone but she hasn't so far. :(

    2. She's supposed to be on for most of the season so hopefully!! I don't get Dexter channel so I can't watch. Boo hoo.

  4. It is indeed the last season of HIMYM. Which makes me happy because if Ted didn't meet the mother this season I was going to lose it. Also, because if it ends that means Cobie Smulders can join S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Wow, it was really annoying to type that out. If that show lasts a long time I'm going to have to call it something else.

    1. That would be perfect if she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. Wow, that is super annoying to type. Can we just call it SHIELD? Please?

    2. I give you permission. I think I'm just going to call it That Show.

  5. I had to come back here to say that I just watched this week's episode of New Girl and OH MY GOD. The scene with the cookie thing? HOLY SHIT. I haven't laughed that hard at TV in so long.

    1. P.S. I also want to say that Schmidt is amazing, but Nick is my favorite. His whole old man thing makes me so happy. And that episode where he really believed that old guy was time traveling Nick from the future? AMAZING.

    2. On more than one occasion my boyfriend has told me that I am Nick Miller. Apparently I have the crotchety old man thing down pat.

    3. I love Nick! The thing with the turtle? And not knowing what makeup is? I do wish they'd do a bit more with Winston, he seems to get left out a lot. Wah wah.

    4. Especially since his name is WINSTON.
