Monday, October 22, 2012

what if... buses were called school trucks instead, and kids didn't sit in individual seats, they were like picked up on those lever-y things and dumped into the back of the truck? I think kids would like that because kids are dumb.

...seeing deer three mornings in a row was a sign of something, good luck or bad, who knows, and not just that the deer population is so out of control that they wander down your suburban street, eating flowers out of your neighbor's yard BUT NEVER OUT OF OUR YARD WHAT'S WRONG WITH OUR YARD? 

...The Shins weren't called The Shins but, like, The Knees? Or The Elbows. OR THE CHINS. was illegal? I'd either be in jail or running a bootleg coffeehouse out of my basement, windows boarded up, secret passwords, bribing cops, the whole nine yards.

...we all still wore old-timey clothes like top hats and corsets? I would go live in a cave. wore makeup and high heels instead of women? OH WAIT THERE WOULD BE NO SUCH THING AS MAKEUP OR HIGH HEELS.

...carrots not only gave you better eyesight but also X-RAY VISION? I'd be able to see through your clothes right now, is what.

...when you look in the mirror, you're really looking at the alternate version of yourself, one who is just like you in almost every way but who sees things slightly differently on account of, you know, mirror universe, and his or her life was almost like yours but slightly better or slightly worse and you didn't know which was which because, you know, you have no perspective and neither does Mirror Universe You because HOW COULD EITHER OF YOU? Would you trade, not knowing?'re the mirror universe?


  1. sneezed out your ear?
    ...this was all a dream???

  2. Just so you know...unknown is Heidi but I should have stayed "unknown".

    1. I totally would have guessed it was you, you sneezing-out-your-ear weirdo. Hee.

  3. Thank you for this. I for real LOLed.

    I shall only add what if . . . we all still had tails? I think I would potentially enjoy swinging from trees with a tail. Also, I wonder how fashion would have adjusted for that. Also, there would probably be a bunch of creeps on the internet being pervy about it. Also, I wonder if grabbing people's tails would be offensive, or if it would be just another version of slapping butts or something. Sidenote, I like to sneak up behind people (people I know!) and slap them on the butt to make them jump. They probably think this is super annoying. And I've just convinced myself that I would totally have been a tail-puller as a child, you know, if we all had tails.

    1. I think grabbing tails would be something you only do with your close friends, and only with their consent. Hee.

  4. I, too, LOLed for real, starting with the first one.

    1. I really think I'm on to something with that one. I'm going to start a business. Kid Truck!
