Friday, May 30, 2008

help me, Internets, you're my only hope

I can't watch the Lost alternate endings, because I work for Satan and Satan hates internet videos. Can someone please tell me what they were? Please?



  1. They open the coffin. Jeremy Bentham is Sawyer.

    They open the coffin. Jeremy Bentham is Desmond.

  2. PS: Thank you! Hee.

  3. Ooh, I would have been SO PISSED with either of those endings.

  4. You're welcome! And don't worry-- they were just fakes in case the ending got leaked. It had to be Locke. And that kind of breaks my heart, because I'm a pro-Locke, anti-Jack kind of girl.

  5. I know this makes no sense, but I'm sort of ambivalent to both of them. BUT. I bet Locke will come back to life when they go back to the island.

    You know what broke my heart? Jin and Sun. I'm still hoping he's really not dead.

  6. Agreed, but I don't want him to come back to life all creepy like Christian Shepherd.

    And YES to Jin and Sun. But since the island disappeared, a boat would have to happen by to rescue him if he survived the explosion, right? Maybe Sun had Penny send her boat over... yeah, that's what I'll believe...
