Wednesday, May 25, 2005

late spring cleaning

I have no plans this weekend, and I'm so excited about it. It seems like I've had stuff to do every weekend since I moved into my apartment. I'm not complaining, it was all fun stuff, but I'm looking forward to just hanging out at home and having NOTHING to do.

Also, I really need to clean my apartment. I don't think I can keep using the "I just moved in" excuse to explain the mess for much longer. After all, I've been there more than a month. I think there's a statute of limitations on playing the Just Moved In card. And I don't think that excuse ever works for the pile of dirty dishes in the sink or the stack of clean laundry that I didn't put away because I figured I'd be wearing most of it soon anyway.

PS: Who is as excited as I am for the Lost finale tonight? NO ONE, I tell you, and that's probably very sad.

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