Wednesday, September 26, 2007

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey LYLA

The past couple nights I haven't slept, um, at all? Mostly because it decided to get all hot again and we turned off our air conditioning and we REFUSE TO TURN IT ON AGAIN BECAUSE SUMMER IS OVER DAMMIT.

Not only does the hot hot heat make sleeping difficult, but it makes getting ready in the morning hell on earth. Because, you know, it doesn't matter how not-hot I make my shower, by the time I've finished blow-drying my hair, I want to die. So I stand in front of the fan, swaying back and forth with it in an unholy dance of sweat and misery.

IT'S HOT. And it's making me whiny. Whinier. Actually, I think today it's only supposed to be 80.

So anyway, since I haven't really been sleeping, I was pretty tired last night. I got in bed at 9:30 (DON'T YOU JUDGE ME) with a book and I think I fell asleep around 10:30 or 11, but the problem was I kept waking up. Stupid brain. Go to sleep. Also, the book was really good. I'm reading Catch-22 because instead of buying new books I've decided to check out old books from the library that I probably should have read by this point of my life. Which is why I read this*. And also why I've read three Vonnegut books in the past month and I have another one sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. Books! Yay! Also, my mom wants to read Pride & Prejudice. Welcome to the dark side, Mom. Only it's not really dark. Kind of light, actually. Maybe a bit cloudy. It is England, after all.

*please bury me with this book

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