Tuesday, February 10, 2004

You know what? Going to the bar for one drink never works. Never. Last night Kate, Erin, and I went to Station for one drink, ended up getting a pitcher of Skip-and-go (the first of many bad choices that evening), and finally found ourselves at McMurray's and racing crabs. How does this happen?

I have no idea, but it was fun. I won a free drink and an inner tube, so if it snows again I'm set for sledding. Last night was the first time I've ever won at crab races. I mean, on my birthday last year I played almost every race and didn't win, but I bitched and moaned so much that I should get something on my birthday that someone finally gave me a free t-shirt just to shut me up. I don't think that counts as winning, though.

On a side note, you really shouldn't try to learn how to play Mario Kart when you've been drinking. It's not gonna work, trust me.

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