Monday, May 21, 2007

you're so cute when you're slurring your speech, but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave

You guys, today was such a weird day. It's Monday, I didn't get enough sleep last night (SHOCKER), my hair looks like crap, I have a giant pimple under my lip that makes me look like I have herpes (I don't), and did I mention it's Monday? Well, it is. All day. Hahahahaha! I'll be here all week. Tip your waitresses. And waiters. I don't want to be sexist.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh, right. So see that list above that is all bad? Well, inexplicably, I was in a spectacular mood today. Maybe it's because the sun is out and it's really warm, but I think it has more to do with the fact that there is a three day weekend coming up. THREE. DAY. WEEKEND. I love those ever so much.

Today, I inadvertently wore the same color underwear as my shirt. Fuchsia. Fuchsia is my favorite color. To say. I'm not sure it's my favorite color ever, but I do like it. Which is a big step, considering there was a time I REFUSED to wear pink. I don't remember why, but I'm sure there was a reason. Probably something stupid like I didn't want to submit to the subjugation of the female color prototype. Did any of that mean anything? Probably not. Oh well. So, my underwear and my shirt matched today. It wasn't on purpose, I swear. And really, it's irrelevant anyway because it's not like I go around showing my underwear to people at work. Or people, in general, really. Only on special occasions.

OH! And Heidi seems to think I can't give up TV. She left this comment: The day you give up TV is the day you give up the internet . . . NEVER GONNNA HAPPEN!! Also, I would like to sound more intelligent in your "CWR" segment . . . I always sound like Kimmy Gibbler's boyfriend Wayne that just said "whatever" . . . SO. NOT. COOL.

And I decided to save the fact that she remembers Kimmy Gibbler's boyfriend's name for another time and sent her this e-mail, which launched Conversations With My Roommate blah blah blah:

To: Heidi
From: Me
Subject: Hey!

I could SO give up TV! Not the internet, though. Never never no way.

To: Me
From: Heidi

I'm appalled at the fact that you could easily throw away Jon Stewart, Christina Yang (she needs you right now), Miss Tyra, etc.

Very hurtful!

To: Heidi
From: Me

Well, I'm not saying I'd do it forever. But over the summer? Piece of cake.

To: Me
From: Heidi

What about Big Brother? Beauty and the Geek?

To: Heidi
From: Me

Eh. I could live without those. Hee.

To: Me
From: Heidi

I don't even know you anymore.

To: Heidi
From: Me

I have seen what life is like without television . . . and it's GLOOOOORIOUS.

To: Me
From: Heidi

No it's not . . . it's dark and scary . . . with zombies.

To: Heidi
From: Me

Don't you say that! Don't you ever say that!

I think you get the point. Well, to prove her wrong, I am going to go without television for A WHOLE DAY! So far today I haven't watched any TV and I won't watch any UNTIL TOMORROW! Did I just blow your mind? Did it hurt? I'm sorry.

I keep trying to listen to music on my computer, but every time I try to listen to music and do something else (like blog or stalk people on Myspace), my computer is all "OH HELL TO THE NO!" and just turns off. I've had this problem before and reinstalling Windows worked but I don't really feel like doing that because I'm lazy and really just the act of sitting here and typing is enough work already. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?

Ahem. Since I can't listen to the music on my computer without having to restart it every 6.9 minutes and since I left all my CDs at work (STUPID), I'm listening to my mp3 player. I was a little apprehensive at first, because I find it difficult to listen to music I really like and not sing along, loudly and with hand gestures and I wasn't sure I wanted my neighbors hearing all the "singing" and thinking I was drunk already at 5:30 or whatever the hell time it is and they might judge me VERY VERY HARSHLY and I'm not sure why I care except I'd like to stay on their good side because, while I don't really care what they think of me, I don't want them telling on me in case they see me doing things like this. And I KNOW they can hear me because our windows are all open and if I can hear THEM when they're outside then if they are OUTSIDE they can hear ME inside. Did that make any sense? I don't care. I also don't care that my neighbors are going to hear me completely butcher this song. Because I love it and and have always loved it and will always love it MORE THAN THREE DAY WEEKENDS OR EVEN THE INTERNET EVEN and if you sing a song with love it doesn't matter how bad you sound. True story.

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