Saturday, March 25, 2006

another reason I will have to get married some day

The other day, while driving, a new light came on in my car. It said Low Coolant Level. "Hmm," I thought. "I've never seen that before." I was confident that I could figure out what it meant, though. So I called my friend Heidi and left her a voicemail asking what it could possibly mean. I suppose I could have pulled over and gotten my car manual out but I didn't so shut up please.

She, in turn, left me an answering voicemail and told me I should probably put some anti-freeze in my car or the engine might crack. Now, I don't know much about cars, but the engine cracking? That sounds bad. So I drove my car around for another two days (hey, it was almost Friday) and then called my parents to see what I should do. They told me the same thing Heidi did. The best part was, I was already going to their house on Friday AND they had anti-freeze so I could just use theirs. Easy! Right?

Wrong. I got to their house on Friday after they'd already left for the weekend. No problem. I could put anti-freeze in my car. Though I am lacking quite a bit in common sense, I am not completely incompetent. I have put all sorts of other fluids into my car . . . oil, windshield wiper fluid, transmission fluid, vodka (don't worry, I put that in the trunk), so I have to admit, I was a little insulted when my dad made a special point to tell me NOT to put the anti-freeze in the same hole the windshield wiper fluid goes in. C'mon, Dad, give me a little credit.

I ran into a small problem once the hood was popped. My dad insisted that there would be a pop-off top to put the fluid in. All I saw was the twist-off radiator cap. Apparently, even though I was STARING INTO THE INSIDES OF MY CAR LIKE DR. MCDREAMY* STARING INTO THE INSIDES OF A HUMAN HEAD, I was wrong. There HAD to be a pop-off top. Well, there wasn't. And I was too weak (also it hurt my hands and got them all dirty) to twist off the radiator cap, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because according to the manual (which I got out after about ten minutes of being unable to figure out where to put the damn anti-freeze) I could have been badly burned or scalded ON MY FACE AND HANDS. I use my face and hands all the time, so that would have been bad.

Sometimes I think it'd be easier to get rid of my car and ride my bike and the bus everywhere. Or get married. Those are my only two options, people. If I marry someone really rich, I can make them get me a chauffeur. If I marry someone not rich (you know, regular monied), I can make them be in charge of car maintenance. And, you know, the cooking. And cleaning the bathroom. And the kitchen. And paying the bills on time. And taking the trash out. And most outdoor chores.

Seriously, no one is ever going to marry me.

*Did you like how I threw that in? I'm going to try to work a Grey's Anatomy reference into all my posts now.**

**It's two for one day on Grey's Anatomy references! I am now totally obsessed with The Ditty Bops and it is all thanks to Grey's Anatomy. Seriously. So fun. Try it, you'll like it.

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