Friday, January 19, 2007

He’s always up in my bid-ness. Which is ebonics for “being in my face and annoying the bejesus out of me.”

Last night, Grey's Anatomy made Heidi and I cry like little girlie men. Stupid show! Making me cry! Damn you! Then, we decided to do Pilates because we fell off the wagon yesterday, and we laughed hysterically through the first five minutes of it. I don't know why, but it's really hard to concentrate on your breathing when you're laughing so hard it feels like your face is going to drip off onto the ground. Have you ever laughed that hard? I highly recommend it. Anyway, I wondered how we could go straight from crying to hysterical laughter and Heidi said it was because we're cold-hearted bitches. Good to know.

These are things that annoy me today:

  • When I start telling a story and someone says, "Oh, I already read about that on your blog." So, not only am I running out of things to talk about on here, I'm running out of things to talk about in real life. Good to know.
  • Cold weather.
  • Seriously, cold weather. I hate wearing a coat. So today? Even though it is snowing? I wore a fleece vest. And gloves! The gloves totally make up for the no coat.
  • When people don't change the jug on the water cooler at work. I am a tiny, weak, little girl! And yet I'm the one who always changes it BY MYSELF.
  • We were out of yogurt, so I had to have a stinky granola bar for breakfast.
  • People who say "irregardless," but really that annoys me every day.

Things that make me happy today:

  • It's Friday.
  • Coffee.
  • I'm alone at work.
  • Seriously, it's Friday.
  • I heard this song on the way to work this morning. PS: Enjoy that video.
  • Did I mention it's Friday?

Tonight, Heidi and I are going over to Stiffie's for dinner and drinks. The last time we did this, several bottles of wine were killed in the process and I called Heidi's boyfriend and pretended to be the pope. Because her boyfriend is Catholic? I don't know. Anyway, aren't you jealous that I have a friend named Stiffie? You should be. Although, that is not her real name. Wouldn't it be amazing if it were, though? What if she was President! President Stiffie LastName! Wow. I'll have to talk to her about that tonight. I'll let you know how it goes because I'm sure you're dying, JUST DYING, to know.

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