Monday, January 29, 2007

You know how I know you're gay? Because you macramed yourself a pair of jean shorts.

You know, I love having plans on the weekend and I love hanging out with my friends, but I always end up paying for it on Monday morning. Like today? For instance. My entire body still hurts from sleeping half of Saturday night on a hardwood floor. And when I say sleeping, I mean changing positions every five minutes to try and fine one that would allow me to, I don't know, actually fall asleep? ALSO, I have a cold, probably from wandering around downtown Columbus Saturday night in the frigid, frigid air, but I also wore heels all night and DID NOT fall down or even trip (OK, I might have tripped once) so I'm calling that a wash. I also have Kathleen-Turner-man-voice as a result of the cold and also yelling over both a band and a DJ on Saturday.

Here is my favorite snapshot of the weekend:

Me: Nick*, where do you come up with this stuff?
Heidi: He spends all day writing it down in his diary, remember?
Nick: It's true.
Me: Is your name cross-stitched on the cover?
Nick: Of course.
Heidi: And I bet he writes in it with one of those pink pens with the feathers on the end.
Me: And it says "Princess" down the side of it.
Steve: And there's a compartment in the back for his cross-stitching materials.

Oh, and also?

Nick: Bax**, can you fit this glass in your purse?
Me: Is that a dare?
Nick: No.
Me: Why do you want it?
Nick: Um, because it has the Bengals logo on it?
Me: Oh, OK.

*Roommate's Boyfriend
**One of the many names I answer to

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