Sunday, January 21, 2007

We're not in infinity, we're in the suburbs.

I was going to go somewhere today but then it snowed and ruined my plans. That's right, snow! I woke up (the first time) and watched some TV in bed and as I was flipping channels I noticed they were already listing closings. Of what, I don't know, since it's Sunday. Churches? OK. Anyway, that didn't affect me so I went back to sleep while Spongebob Fancypants frolicked in an air bubble with Sandy Cheeks. It was intense and hard to sleep, though, because Spongebob was drying up because there wasn't any water, but he was too polite to say anything so he just walked around with his pinky in the air. Because that is what fancy people do. It's true, I read it somewhere. Maybe on the Internets and everyone knows the Internets never lies.

Also, I was going to take a picture of the snow, because even though I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns (which, ironically, would melt the snow in less than .5 seconds), it is sort of pretty, but then I realized taking a good picture would mean I had to go on the balcony, and it's cold out there, so I'd have to put on some socks and something other than a t-shirt and that means I'd have to move myself from this chair so . . . basically, you will not be seeing a picture of the pretty, hated snow right now. Sorry.

I have a sad tale for you. It turns out my mom and I do NOT have jury duty on the same day so that ruins our (my) plan to carpool and dress in matching outfits and have her buy me lunch. She read her date wrong and she's actually supposed to be getting HER call on the day I have to go downtown. Sucks. Now I won't have anyone to talk to. On the other hand, now I can skulk (I love that word) around for a Fancy, Rich Lawyer so I have about two weeks to work on that plan. Any suggestions?

OK, so yesterday I continued the Jason Schwartzman Love Fest and watched I Heart Huckabees and the whole time I watched it I had to keep asking myself, "Am I high right now? Seriously. Did I get high and not remember? No, I'm not high. Oh my god, I'm totally high right now." I wasn't, though. I just think it was a really weird movie. Unless one of my neighbors was pumping something funny through the vents. And if that's the case, I just wish they'd warn me in advance.

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