Thursday, March 15, 2007

Jim is not allowed to talk until he buys me a Coke. Those are the rules of jinx, and they are unflinchingly rigid.

OK, I'm not even going to pretend I'm not completely stealing this idea. I just won't. Lots of other people have done it in the past which makes THEM copiers, too. With the exception of the first one. Whoever they were.

So, yes, I'm stealing. But I don't care. Because I'm lazy and don't know what to write on here anymore and so when I do try to write something it looks like word salad because not only do I have verbal diarrhea, apparently I have finger diarrhea. That sounds all kinds of wrong. Sorry. I can never remember how to spell diarrhea. I wonder why that is. Huh.

ANYWAY, so my point is, you can ask me any question you want in the comments or in e-mail or whatever and I will answer them. Maybe. Eventually. Also I don't have to answer anything if it's going to make me have feelings. In fact, I don't have to answer anything more incriminating than "what's your favorite color?* because IT'S MY BLOG AND I'LL DO WHAT I WANT. So there.

Man, I'm going to be really depressed if no one asks anything. DON'T YOU PEOPLE CARE ANYMORE?!

*please don't ask this

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