Friday, March 07, 2008

BLIZZARD! And not the good kind that you can eat. You know, from Dairy Queen? Those are delicious.

Right now? We're supposed to be on our way to Lake Erie. Then this happened. Which is why I am sitting here in my pajamas praying to the sweet baby Jesus that Mary makes it here from Chicago in one piece.

Not to worry, though. The roads should be better by the time Mary reaches Dayton and anyway, she's Mary. She's kind of a big deal. Snow will just melt as she drives by and it will be awesome.

Another location has been chosen for tomorrow, easier for all to reach safely, and while the setting may have changed, the guests remain the same. And really, isn't that all that matters? The bridal shower and bachelorette party MUST GO ON. Especially the bachelorette party. Because we've got like three dozen penis cookies that aren't going to eat themselves.


  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    WTF? I'm here sitting on the deck drinking umbrella drinks watching the tulips flower. What kind of perpendicular (it sure ain't parallel) universe do you live in?

    Penis cookies won't eat themselves... you slay me.

  2. See, here in Ohio it can be 60 degrees on Monday and there can be a blizzard on Friday. We're not sure why, but we've learned to roll with it.

    PS: It really was 60 degrees on Monday. What a tease.

  3. Because we've got like three dozen penis cookies that aren't going to eat themselves.

    ... naw, too easy.

  4. Yeah, you're better than that.

  5. what if the penis cookies DID eat themselves?

  6. Anonymous10:27 AM

    What did you do with your Snow Day? Are there hijinx? Pics? Penis jokes?

    Enquiring minds want to know.
