Thursday, November 29, 2007

how's THIS for a walk to remember

On Saturday, when Kat! was kicking my ass at Big Buck Hunter, she told me that you have to be just the right amount of drunk in order to play well. I told her that I've found the same rule applies for Beer Pong. There is a fine line between simply buzzed and BEER PONG CHAMPION and alternately, between BEER PONG CHAMPION and PERSON WHO THROWS PING PONG BALLS 10 FEET PAST THE TABLE.

I think this rule also applies to writing. Sometimes you sit down at the computer so READY TO WRITE and it's like your brain is all clogged. Like . . . the words are right there, but something is in the way and that something is COMPLETE AND UTTER FEAR. I don't know why it's so hard (that's what she said), it just IS. But. Maybe you have a drink or two and things get a bit easier. You stop caring as much about whether what you're writing makes any sense whatsoever. And then, with one more magical sip, the words start flowing. You can't type fast enough. I think this is why so many writers are alcoholics. It's so much easier to write when you're buzzed, because you don't care if what you're writing is any good.

Of course. You have to be careful. If you go past your limit, you could end up typing something like this:

Ths wone time i wentt to the stor and got some cnady and it was so good you gusy so so so so so good i wihs you cud have had somme of it . . . hahaha, omg wtf!

And you can only get away with that if your name is Nicholas Sparks.

I'm sorry. That made no sense. It's just that I hate that guy so much.

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