Saturday, November 10, 2007

I wish the world was flat like the old days, then I could travel just by folding a map

Today is the first day of a three day weekend, meaning I only have to work four days next week, three days the following week, then it's off to DC for a long weekend.

All I've done so far today is listen to a lot of Death Cab and work on the crappy story I started writing. Although, I have showered so I feel like I've accomplished all I really need to today. Plus, I got a giant book of Fitzgerald short stories from the library and it's calling my name. For real. It's all, "Jeeeeenniiiiieeee, come reeeeeeaaaad meeeeee." It's a little weird. And way scary.

Man, this sucks. Sorry, Internets, I'm just not in a very "Hootie" place right now.

So. Um. Here's a video. One of my friends in college had a bunch of Stuart videos on her computer and I'd be lying if I told you we didn't all watch them at least once a day.

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