Sunday, November 25, 2007

if you are chilly, here take my sweater

You guys.

This is Abigail.

(I have to blog for Jennie today because she blogged for me yesterday. Actually, she kind of raped the internet yesterday by guest posting for me, Heather Anne, AND Kat and she blogged for herself too.)

But here's the thing about Jennie.

a) She is hilarious. That thing about raping the internet? Her words.

b) She is a blog machine. She didn't have a computer with her on this trip so I offered her mine on Saturday morning while we enjoyed the continental breakfast at our hotel. She checked her email and the next time I looked over she had blogged. In like... five seconds! So then Heather was all, " wanna blog for me?" and Jennie was like, "sure, whatever, let me get some more waffles so I can prove my awesomeness by eating waffles and blogging again AT THE SAME TIME." Which she did flawlessly and then I was all, "I let you use my computer. Blog for me, bitch." It was all very dramatic.

c) So really I feel like I shouldn't have to blog for her because I just don't have The Gift that she has.

d) But she was all, "IT'S NOT THAT HARD. You just type things." So, I tried that. Here is me, typing things.

e) Oh, also, when I was sitting moaning about blogging (standard) I asked Jennie for ideas. She refused to assist because she said that defeated the point. I said that sometimes she blogged more than once a day and so clearly I was the one that needed help. And she described the things in her head and how she has to get them out. "You guys, it's like a snake bite. You have to suck out the poison."

f) Here is a photo of us together.

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