Friday, July 23, 2004

auntie yoyo

The main character in the book I'm reading is named Yolanda, and her nieces and nephews all call her Auntie Yoyo.

Up until I was in 4th grade, I called my Aunt Karen Doo Pooh. I'd called her that since I started talking. I also called airplanes "airpeeps" and my teddy bear "dabbledoo." But the Doo Pooh thing actually made sense. When my aunt was younger, she really liked Winnie the Pooh, so everyone called her Pooh. When I was born, she was only 14 so she still had the nickname. Naturally I picked up on this. I'm not sure where the Doo came from. Maybe that was my name for "bear" since I called my teddy bear "dabbledoo."

Or maybe I was just a weird kid. But that's pretty much a given.

I hope I have a fun aunt nickname. Most of my nicknames now are some variation of my last name. Bax, Baxlala, Bizzax, Lala. I wonder if these names will stick with me if (let's be optimistic, shall we, and say WHEN) I get married.

I think Auntie Lala has a nice ring to it.

1 comment:

  1. My cousins called my mom Anna Me when they were little because they couldn't say Aunt Anna Marie. They're all grown up and have their own kids, but they still call her that. It's kinda nice.
