Saturday, July 17, 2004

no more posting when buzzing from coffee

I just had three cups of coffee in the span of 30 minutes.

I normally don't drink any. I mean, I'll occasionally go to
Starbucks and get a "coffee drink" but that doesn't really count, you

Right now I'm reeeeeally really jittery. I feel like I need to
run around the block a few times. I can't even type! I've
had to delete half of this entry and try again because my brain is
moving like this
Yeah. It's not good. I'm guessing I'll come down from the
caffeine high in about an hour and I'll just pass out. It will
look like I ran into a wall and just fell down to people who see
this. Except I won't get off of the floor. Because I will
be asleep. Please don't wake me. I'll be tired.

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