Saturday, August 14, 2004

let the games begin

I'm really tired, but it's my own fault. I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning. Why? Well, see, it's like this.

I was reading this until around 2 AM. Then I started channel surfing and saw that Lifetime Movie Network was showing Before Sunrise. I remember hearing all the publicity about the sequel coming out last month, so I was intrigued. I figured I'd fall asleep before it was over, but I ended up really liking it.

So if anything I write doesn't make sense, it's just because I'm tired. And I haven't had any coffee yet.

I'm so excited about the Olympics starting! I watched the opening ceremonies last night and I thought they were surprisingly good. I wasn't expecting much, because I'm usually pretty bored with the opening ceremonies. The only thing that bugged me was that Katie Couric and Bob Costas wouldn't SHUT THE HELL UP. All I wanted to do was listen to the music, but they kept telling me how much material was used in Bjork's dress and what the man walking on the cube symbolized. We GET it, Katie. Not everyone in America is a clueless moron.

I was also pleasantly surprised that the U.S. didn't get booed. Thank you, Greece, for being so classy.

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