Friday, February 22, 2008

and then I went back to my desk and made sure my post-its were organized by color and size

I'm in the process of switching jobs with someone at work. I'm taking over all of her duties (heh, duty) and she's taking over mine. I'm still in the process of getting organized, which is fine because I really like organizing things because I'm a tool. Yesterday, I finished using all these employee files, so I gave them to another co-worker because she needed to do some shit with them. That is the technical term.

Me: Here are those files.
Her: Great, thanks.
Me: No problem.
Her: Oh my god, did you put these in alphabetical order?
Me: Yes, why?
Her: No one else ever gives these to me in alphabetical order.
Me: Well, Coworker. Let me tell you something. I am incredibly anal retentive.
Her: Ha, well, you don't have to do that.
Me: You know what? I really can't help myself.


  1. three cheers for anal retentiveness!

  2. I have this co-worker that listens to conservative political radio all day. Makes me fucking nuts. That's all.

  3. So does all of your paper money have to face the same way and go in order of denomination? Mine too.

  4. ok, mayyyybe i'm just drunk on wine, but let's disect the term anal retentive (which i just had to try and respell 4 times). what the heck does it REALLY mean? all i got is something relating to butts.

  5. i think it's like retaining water... only you're retaining anuses.

  6. ambrewskins - do people NOT do that? I thought everyone did!

  7. Steph, true story.

    H!A! Maybe you should steal her radio?

    Ambrewskins and Candice, that is the only way to keep your money, as far as I'm concerned.

    Katie and Stephanie, I'm not sure exactly how that term came about, but I do giggle every time I say it.

  8. Heather - I have a freaky coworker that listens to conservative political radio too -they play the national anthem every day at 11:59!

    jennie - that so weird you have a coworker named, coworker and that she's cool with you calling her that at work :)
