Monday, April 14, 2008


Hey, remember yesterday when I was bragging about how my arm didn't hurt even though I played with a billion Wiis (hee) this weekend? Yeah, well, it hurts now. I blame Heidi. She hooked her Wii up last night and then OF COURSE we had to play with it.

Sidenote: Can you believe we had a Wii in our apartment for over a week and we didn't even touch it once? Who ARE we?

So anyway. We hooked up the Wii and when I say, "we hooked up the Wii," I mean Heidi hooked up the Wii while I sat and played music on my computer. Then we made our Miis and got down to business. First we bowled. Then we beat the shit out of our boxing opponent. Then we played baseball. THEN we took the fitness test. I was 28, according to Wii, which is pretty damn close to my actual age so I was excited. Last time, I think I was 40 or something. Heidi . . . well, I won't tell you what Heidi got, but she looks SO GOOD for a senior citizen.

I bet you guys are tired of hearing me talk about Wii. Actually, I bet you guys are tired of hearing me talk PERIOD. End of sentence EXCLAMATION POINT. Um. We also made some famous Miis. Like Whoopi Goldberg. And Barney "Swarley" Stinson. And Jim Halpert. You might be wondering who is next. Well. I don't know. You tell me.

Tomorrow at volunteering, I have to lead the group all by myself for the first time ever. And I'm nervous. I planned some activities last night so hopefully the kids don't get all ADD and blow through them all super fast, because then I will be OUT OF IDEAS. I'm so scared. I'm always afraid kids won't like me. I don't really care if adults don't like me, because adults are two-faced and they'll just pretend that they like you and then talk shit about you behind your back. But kids are honest. Kids have no problem saying, "Jennie, I hate you," or "Jennie, you smell bad," or "Jennie, eat my poo." Not that any kids have ever said any of these things to me, but you never know when they might. I'll let you know after tomorrow.

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